
This morning I returned to a website forum that I haven’t accessed for a while, and was forced to request a password reminder after two unsuccessful attempts at logging-in. The website administrators evidently have no wish to allow easy access to their page, throwing a further obstacle in my path in the form of a mathematical conundrum:
                      What is 2wenty-4our ÷ by t2o pl+s s!x?
My approach to this was further complicated by uncertainty over whether the first figure was intended to be ‘twenty-four’ or ‘twenty minus four’, but so far all my permutations have failed. The computer continues to say ‘no.’a) 24 ÷(2+6) = 3                                      (Wrong.)
b) 24 ÷2 = 12.      12+6= 18                   (Wrong.)
c) 20-4 = 16.  16÷(2+6)= 2                   (Wrong.)
d) 20-4 = 16.  16÷2 = 8. 8 + 6 = 14.    (Wrong.)
e) 20 – (4÷2) = 18. 18 + 6 = 24            (Wrong.)

Any mathematical bright sparks out there able to help? 


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